HIDDEN HOUSES OF WALES: Television Series (Season 1, BBC One Television Release UK 2010)

Ben Meyers' Summary Rating:   3.4|5.0 Stars ììì 

Summary of Hidden Houses of Wales: Season 1 

Hidden Houses of Wales: Season 1 allows a look into the history of these historic houses: Trevor Hall, Lianmihangel, Glynllofon, and Penmynydd. This televised series does not have the quality of most documentaries due to what seems to be a lack of research, lack of sufficient material to cover, and/or lack of interest in the valuableness of this documentary to educate and enlighten viewers about Welsh history.

Television Series Poster Courtesy of  Google Images





Season 1 allows tours of Trevor Hall,  Lianmihangel, Glynllofon, and Penmynydd.


Additional Thanks 

Thank you to BBC One Wales and Netflix for airing Season 1's episodes.  Thank you to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen for narration of the series.

Buy a Ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?


Maybe. This series suffers from the host giving insufficient information about each of the four houses, talking more about the house than the owners/caretakers, and lack of enthusiasm for these four houses. It seems the host forgot about his ability, through this series, to provide advertising for each house and increase tourism traffic flow into Wales.

NOTE: Watch the complete 2010 Season 1 of Hidden Houses of Wales on Netflix Streaming.

Video Critique of Season 1 Available Here: 

Ben Meyers

Episode 1: Trevor Hall

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.2|5.0 Stars ììì

Trevor Hall employs too brief time to adequately cover the house’s story. The scenes are mixed in such a way to disallow continuity. The host talks more than the person he interviews and shows little about the house. There are few pictures of the house during this episode. It is a waste of time to watch this first episode due to the above factors.


   Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images



Tour and background information about Wales’ Trevor Hall House.

Additional Thanks


Thank you to BBC One Wales and Netflix for airing the series.  Thank you to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen for hosting the series.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. The only value in watching the first episode is that the audience becomes aware of a place called Trevor Hall in Wales.


Ben Meyers

Episode 2: Llanmihangel

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.3|5.0 Stars ììì

not the best documentary—is an improvement on Episode 1. This episode could be greatly improved if the host showed more interest in the program. While he uses many words to appear interested, he uses a technique of initiating conversation and then directing to what he thinks is interesting. If the host had been less controlling (although this may have been due to attempting to meet the limited time allowed for this series) then more of the house could have been seen and the interviews more relaxed and flexible. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images




Tour and background information about Wales’ Lianmihangel House


Additional Thanks


Thank you to BBC One Wales and Netflix for airing the series.  Thank you to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen for narration of the series.


Buy a ticket?
 Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe.  Awareness is drawn to another large Wales’ house, but there is a dissatisfaction because the information about this house is sparse and incomplete. 

Ben Meyers

Episode 3: Glynllofon House

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.5|5.0 Stars ììì

—greatly improves on the two previous episodes. The host seems to be getting the feel of the show and does less directing, asks better and more questions, and/or allows owners/caretakers to do more explanation about the home. This house is grand with a lovely garden. The persons living in this home are more settled than the owners of the previous episodes’ homes. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images 


Tour and background information about Wales’ Glynllofon House. 

Additional Thanks

Thank you to BBC One Wales and Netflix for airing the series.  Thank you to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen for hosting the series.

Buy a ticketYes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This is truly a grand house.

Ben Meyers

Episode 4: Penmynydd

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Stars ììì

easily becomes the best house tour of Hidden Houses of Wales Season 1 due to the tremendous history that involves King Henry the VIII with this house. The house is quite attractive. The host allows the  owner of this home more talk time than he did with some of the previous homes’       owners. That choice allows a fuller story to develop about this house. 

   Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images



Tour and background information about Wales’ Penmynydd  House.


Additional Thanks


    Thank you to BBC One Wales and Netflix for airing the series.  Thank           you to Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen for narration of the series.


Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe?


Yes. Due to this house’s connection to a well-known English king, this episode has greater watch-ability and interest value than the previous houses explored in Season 1. This episode seems to be more uniform in presentation than the previous three episodes.


 Ben Meyers


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