Ben Meyers’ Rating: 4.0|5.0 Starsìììì My Favorite Martian—likable—takes the current 'aliens are among us' frenzy down many notches to the suitable entertainment watch for the whole family. Jeff Daniels and Christopher Lloyd make a great team to interpret the story. Surprises lace the movie and are still fresh today. The movie sets itself up for sequels at the end of the film. Storyline Thank you to Director Don Petrie for directing efforts. Thank you to Producers Jerry Leider, Robert Shapiro, and Toberoff for making the film possible. Cast includes Jeff Daniels, Christopher Lloyd, Elizabeth Hurley, Daryl Hannah, Wallace Shawn, Christine Ebersole, and Ray Walston. Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe? Yes. It's a cute watch. Video Critique Available Here: Ben Meyers |