ARCADIAN (Released to Theaters USA 2024)


Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.8|5.0 Stars

Arcadian—an example of a movie that has everything going for it to be a 4.8 to a 5.0 star, but fails—has a boring script that seems weak and pointless. The acting relies on highly skilled acting by Nicolas Cage. There is an eerie feeling that emanates from the movie so that one may feel the movie is 'weird and unsettling' when it concludes. 

 Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


A man and twins sons try to survive in a post apocalyptical world with wolf-like animals that try to take out the remainder of human civilization. The wolf- like animals hunt at night.   

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Benjamin Brewer for directing efforts. Thank you to Producers Michael Nilon, and David Wulf, Arianne Fraser, Delphine Perrier, Braxton Pope, and Nicolas Cage for making the film possible. Cast includes Nicolas Cage, Jaeden Martell, and Maxwell Jenkins. 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe?

 Yes. It is good enough for one watch to see what the film is about. But, the script, as written, hampers its ability to go to top billing.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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