ULTRAVIOLET (Released in Theaters USA 2006)


Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.7|5.0 Starsììì 

NOTE: This critique is on the extended cut, not the original movie cut.

Ultraviolet—very creativetells an odd story that is hard to decipher as there is so much violent and frequent fighting that the storyline itself, despite its straightforward presentation, gets lost in the action. The best of this film sits in its vibrant computer animation, its special effects, and stunt work. Milla Jovovich is the suitable/good choice for the character role of Violet. She plays her role with good acting. Watch for William Fichtner in the film. Read a plot line before going to enable finding the story's thread.  

 Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


An outlaw lab tries to create super human soldiers but the plan back-fires and creates super humans with vampire-like fangs, enhanced minds and strength, and exceptionally fast movement capability. However, they live short lives because of their defective DNA. 

Additional Thanks

 Thank you to Director Kurt Wimmer for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producer Sue Jett, Tony Mark, Charles Wang, T.C. Wang for making the film possible. Cast includes Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund, Sabastien Andrieu, Ida Martin, William Fichtner, David E. Collier, Kieran O'Rorke, Digger Mesch, and Ryan Martin.


Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. Despite critics overall low rating of this film, it can easily become a cult classic and can be watched again mainly to find its storyline which hides behind the multiple action scenes. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers


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