ARMY OF ONE (Released to the Internet USA 2020)

Ben Meyers’ Rating: 4.1|5.0 Starsìììì 

Army of One—a bit ‘cheesy’ at times—serves an eyeful of Ellen Hollman as the woman seeking revenge. She creates a strong sense of realism and does not let down the ‘tough woman’ on a violent mission role. Justice is served on her terms and the audience will be ensured that under her direction it will be served. The movie uses a type of televised formatting rather than the higher quality theatrical framing, but it maintains its ability to entertain and is a good watch. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images 


A woman and her husband are tortured by a drug cartel. The woman survives and sets on a mission of revenge. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Stephen Durham for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Niko Foster, James Harris Jr., Terry Parrish, and Ramon Vincent for making the film possible. Cast includes Ellen Hollman, Matt Passmore, Geraldine Singer, Stephen Dunlevy, Faromance Flix, Gary Kasper, Cameron Bowen, Kendra Carelli, Jacob Hobbs, and Niko Foster.

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. Know that this film relies on the traditional quality of a televised piece of entertainment. Be prepared for that type of formatting. Despite that, the movie has its action and adventure scenes organized well enough to make it a good watch. 

Video Critique Available Here: 

Ben Meyers

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