DRAGON BLADE (Theatrical Release USA 2015)

Ben Meyers’ Rating: 4.2|5.0 Stars

Dragon Blade—Jackie Chan movie—is a good film with good presentation and good acting, but what shines here is the story. The fight scenes are good to suitable and then get kind of impressive as the movie moves along toward the middle and concluding scenes. Jackie Chan plays a more hardened, seasoned, and serious character in his role of a Chinese military officer protecting the Silk Road. It is interesting to see John Cusack as a Roman military officer This movie has English mixed with Mandarin Chinese and has incorporated great English subtitles for the Mandarin Chinese dialogue. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


This war film is about a Chinese military officer whose position requires protection of the Silk Road within a defined area. He then becomes embattled by an exhausted Roman military trying to go home.

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Daniel Lee for directing efforts. Thank you to Producers Jackie Chan and Susanna Tsang for making the film possible. Cast includes: Jackie Chan, John Cusack, Lin Peng, Mika Wang, Choi Siwon, and Adrien Brody. 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. This is a historical film and should be watched for that reason. It is a little snippet of Chinese history and Roman history that needs to be brought to the forefront of understanding of Rome’s involvement in international affairs. 

Video Critique Available Here:


Ben Meyers

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