THE FABELMANS (Theatrical Release USA 2022)

Ben Meyers’ Rating: 4.5|5.0 Starsìììì 

T     The Fabelmans—WOW!—watch is like the feeling of going to Disneyland for the first time. Everything is a wonder due to the way the story has been compiled. The movie bases itself on the events of Steven Spielberg’s early years but uses the moniker of Sam Fabelman and family to tell its story. This movie is a winner for movie enthusiasts, aspiring directors, critics, and more. Don’t miss it. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images 


This drama film is about: a young man, who from a very early age, wants to be involved in the film-making industry. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Steven Spielberg for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Kristie Macosko Krieger, Steven Spielberg, and Tony Kushner for making the film possible. Cast includes Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Gabriel LaBelle, Mateo Zoryan, Keeley Karsten, Alina Brace, Julia Butters, Birdie Borria, Judd Hirsch, Sophia Kopera, Jennie Berlin, Robin Bartlett, Sam Rechner, 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes, and YES! This movie could be easy to miss if a person relies on plotline alone to determine attendance. Don’t miss it and after watching think more deeply about the story than a superficial judgement. This again proves the outstanding value of doing what you are meant to do. It’s another work of art directed by Steven Spielberg. The story stands the test of time and will stand as a classic watch for many years to come. Fabulous work for all involved. 

Video Critique Available Here: 

Ben Meyers

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