TAPPED (Video on Demand (VOD) USA 2010)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 2.8|5.0 Starsìì


Tapped—well-interviewed—does not present the broader historical perspective about water rights, works statistics, and forces an audience into a one-sided viewpoint. The film creates a need to do extensive research to make decisions on the viability of the presented argument when a documentary should have done the research for the audience. There is not enough evidence in this film to make it worth watching. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images 


A documentary film about bottled water. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Directors Stephanie Soechtig and Jason Lindsey for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Michael and Michelle Walrath for making the film possible. Cast includes: Sally Bethea, Earl Blumenauer, Amanda Brown, Eugene Brown, Robert Bullard, Suzie Canales, Ruth Caplan, and Howard Dearborn.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

No. The film presents a one-sided viewpoint and does not adequately address the history of water rights in America, internationally, or through the ages.

Video Critique Available Here: 

Ben Meyers

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