WHEELS ON MEALS (Video Release World-Wide 1984)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.7|5.0 Starsììì 

Wheels on Meals—Hong Kong Jackie Chan movie presentation—is an okay film, not a great film. This movie is one of Jackie Chan’s earlier works where he has not acquired the sophistication of his later works. Be aware there are some suggestive scenes, but the movie is a fairly clean watch that shows the oncoming talent of one of America’s favorite martial arts actors.

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


Two cousins run a food truck and run into a female pickpocket which sets off a series of adventures that require good martial art skills to resolve. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Sammo Hung for directing effort. Thank you to Producer Raymond Chow for making the film possible. Cast includes: Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Lola Forner, Benny Urquidez, Pepe Sancho, Herb Edelman, Keith Vitali, and Cheung Chung. 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Maybe. Jackie Chan choreographed this movie and the action scenes are good. But be aware that this film is one of his earlier works and does not have the more sophisticated storyline of his later films. This is an average watch for the most part, but it has good English voiceovers and great subtitles for English speaking audiences. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers 

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