APOLLO 10 ½: A SPACE AGE CHILDHOOD * (Video Release World-wide 2022)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.4|5.0 Starsìììì

Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood—
animated film—is one of those interesting movies that soars in both quality and watchability. The film’s script is very well written; the story takes animated movies to the next level. This is the best animated film for Netflix since The Mitchells Vs the Machines. The movie does an excellent job of portraying a walk back in time and takes on the fictional aspect with great effectiveness. 

Film Poster Courtesy of  Wikipedia


A young boy is sent into space. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Richard Linklater for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Richard Linklater, Tommy Pallotta, Mike Blizzard, Femke Wolting, and Bruno Felix for making the film possible. Characters/cast include: Young Stanley (Milo Coy), Adult Stanley (Jack Black), Bostick (Glen Powell), Kranz (Zachary Levi), Steve (Josh Wiggins), Mom (Lee Eddy), and Dad (Bill Wise). 

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. This is very well received and is well done from beginning to end. This is a great film from Director Richard Linklater.

* Also Known As "Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Adventure"

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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