MAC AND ME (Theatrical Release USA 1988)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì 

Mac and Me
—personable—reminds one a bit of ET: Extraterrestrial because it relies on a similar story of a small extraterrestrial who makes friends with children, but the likeness ends there. While ET: Extraterrestrial has a better script and its own special spark, Mac and Me easily earns its watch as a terrific child/adult share and has a particularly pleasing conclusion. In some ways the movie seems a bit trite with its new home/new adventure storyline, but heart and kindness shines throughout the movie and excuses that. It earns it watch as a comfortable night out with the family watch.

 Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


A young extraterrestrial takes residence with a family. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Stewart Raffill for directing effort. Thank you to Matt Damon, William Kerr, and R.J. Louis for making the film possible. Characters/cast include: Janet Cruise (Christine Ebersole), Michael Cruise (Jonathan Ward), Courtney (Tina Caspary), Debbie (Lauren Stanley), Eric Cruise (Jade Calegory), Mitford (Vinnie Torrente), Wickett (Martin West), Zimmerman (Ivan Rado), Jack Jr. (Danny Cooksey), Linda (Laura Waterbury), and Splatter Car Driver (Jack Eiseman). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. Not as good as ET: Extraterrestrial, but in its own way serves as a good, clean child/adult watch.

Video Critique Available Here:


Ben Meyers

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