ROBIN ROBIN (World-Wide Release 2021)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Starsììì 

Robin Robin uses fabulous and original stop motion animation for its short film story, but fails to establish its good story start to its conclusion. This becomes most noticeable at the juncture where the Robin meets the Magpie. The story begins to complicate itself with technicalities to the point that original interest in the story becomes lost and the satisfaction due the audience for watching loses all value. The voicing need professionalism. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


A Robin discovers it is not who it thinks and goes on a journey to find its roots. 

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Directors Daniel Ojari, Michael Please, and Sarah Cox for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producer Sarah Cox for making the film possible. Characters/cast include: Robin (Voice of Bronte Carmichael), Magpie (Voice of Richard Grant), Cat (Voice of Gillian Anderson), Dad Mouse (Voice of Adeel Akhtar), Dink (Voice of Amira Macey-Michael), Pip (Tom Pegler), Flynn (Endeavour Clutterbuck), and Flin (Megan Harris).

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

No. The animation? Great. The character development? Great. The entertainment value? Not there. Watch the Ardman Studios short film Shaun The Sheep: The Farmers Llamas for higher stop motion animation entertainment.

 Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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