AIR STRIKE * (Theatrical Release China 2018)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.3|5.0 Starsììì

Air Strike, not the usual high-quality film one expects from Bruce Willis, has air fights that are executed well. The individual scenes and/or combination of scenes are good, but the movie is difficult to follow. The continuity is not in place so that the viewer can connect the scenes. It makes major switches to other parts of the story so that confusion reigns as to how to connect one scene to another scene. The script needs to be re-written to make sense and give each character development so that an audience cares about what happens to the characters. Read a plotline before going to understand the film while viewing.

 Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


The Chinese, during World War II, fight their way through a serious Japanese air strike to guard Chongqing. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Ziao Feng for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Barry Brooker, Jiajun Du, Halyang Jiang, Jimmy Jiang, Kimberly Kates, Zhonglun Ren, Yonghua Shao, and Stan Wertlieb for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: tou (Ye Liu), Jack (Bruce Willis), An Minxun (Song Seung-heon), Cheng Ting (William Wal-Ting Chan), Uncle Cui (Wei Fan), Zhao Chun (Gang Wu), Ding Lian (Su Ma), Yagou (Yongli Che), Xua Manguan (Yuanzheng Feng), and Olan Xue (Janine Chun Ning Chang). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

No. This movie, despite its production in English, is not a good pick for a Chinese/Japanese war movie.

* Also Known As: Da hong zha

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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