THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS (Theatrical Release Canada 2016)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.2|5.0 Starsìììì

The Girl With All the Gifts
—not just another Zombie-like movie—serves up gore and brutality, some of it offscreen, in a 275-degree turn as these fungus-infected humans are more sentient, more human-like, and have unique survival needs. The storyline is good and uses a young girl to work through its story rather than the defensive adult male endeavoring to survive in a changed world. Zombie fans as well as non-zombie fans may appreciate this movie’s fresh twist on an old story. It is worth a watch.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Hungries, humans infested with a fungus, change the face of the human race as they crave human flesh. Doctors work frantically to find a cure.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Colm McCarthy for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Will Clarke, Lizzie Francke, Richard Holmes, Andy Mayson, Christopher Moll, Mike Runagall, ieran Gallagher (Fisayo Akinade), Devani (Dominique Tipper), Sergeant Eddie Parks (Paddy Considine), Dr. Jean Selkirk (Anamaria Marinca), Helen Justineau (Gemma Arterton), Dillon (Anthony Welsh), Dr. Caroline Caldwell (Glenn Close), Melanie Double (Mia Garcha), Anne (Grace McGee), Kenny (Eli Lane), Peter (Connor Pratt), and Joe (Joe Lomas).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. For a mature teen and adult audience, the movie serves up good acting and portrayal of its storyline. Be aware that the conclusion ends on an odd note without much explanation which, of course, leads to that inevitable sequel.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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