Queen 2: Magic of the Ice Mirror—better than its
prequel—could be watched as a stand-alone movie without seeing the first film.
It works on the average level; has a straightforward, easier to follow
storyline than its prequel; good animation technique; and ends well. It does not need a sequel, but a sequel exists.
Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia
Snow Queen’s mirror does not show people’s best side.
Additional Thanks
you to Director Aleksey Tsitsilin for directing effort. Thank you to Executive
Producer Vladimir Nikolaev for making the film possible. Additional
characters/cast include: Orm (voice of Ivan Okhlobystin), Gerda (voice of Anna
Shurochkina), General Arrog (voice of Igor Kharlamov), Printsessa Maribel
(voice of Anna Khilkevich), Babushka Orma (voice of Olga Zubkova), Korol
trolley (voice of Fyodor Dobronravov), Rakhat (voice of Aleksandr Uman), Lukum
(voice of Igor Bortnik), Ofitser (voices of Aleksey Likhnitskiy and Roman
Yunusov), and Abram (voice of Diomid Vinogradov).
Buy a ticket? Yes?
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The movie is a Russian release and provides an interesting look at Russian ideas
on best interpretations and presentations of classic Hans Christian Andersen stories.
*Also Known As Snezhnaya koroleva 2 Perezamorozka
Video Critique Available Here:
Ben Meyers