RARE BIRDS (Toronto International Film Festival, Toronto Canada 2001)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

Rare Birds
is a rare film...quirky, almost peculiar, a bit audacious, even a little spunky in its unique approach to its story. The script relegates the primary driver of events to a supporting cast member and elevates a weaker, less forceful character to the primary place of honor. In this upheaval of the usual, the movie finds its place and entertains in a way that makes it a small classic ahead of its times.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Two men collaborate to put their town on the map of rare bird enthusiasts.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Sturla Gunnarsson for directing effort. Thank you to Co-executive Producers Sam Feldman and Jeff Sackman for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Dave (William Hurt), Phonce (Andy Jones), Alice (Molly Parker), Deb (Vicky Hynes), Buster Bartlett (Greg Malone), Dr. Jack Tomlinson (Michael Chiasson), Caller #1/Hostage (Barry Newhook), Girl #1 (Laura Tobin), Girl #2 (Maggie Meyer), Brit Woman (Frankie O’Neill), and Hooligan (Lawrence Barry).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. Completely different from standard entertainment fare, the film presents a slow, pleasant pace that is reminiscent of faraway places where people engage in unique activities quite outside the ordinary.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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