LIONS FOR LAMBS (Theatrical Release USA 2007)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.5|5.0 Starsììì

Lions for Lambs
takes three stories and endeavors to connect them, but in, what appears to be, an effort not to offend, fails to deliver the connection in a hard-hitting, coherent, and relevant fashion. The film lacks strength and becomes hard to decipher for relevance. Tom Cruise and Robert Redford seem out of character while Meryl Streep, surprisingly, performs at the average to good level. The best actor in this movie is Andrew Garfield.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Professor Stephen Malley (Robert Redford) encourages student Todd Hayes (Andrew Garfield) to engage and do something worthwhile.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Robert Redford for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producer Daniel Lupi for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Janine Roth (Meryl Streep), Senator Jasper Irving (Tom Cruise), Ernest Rodriguez (Michael Peña), Lieutenant Colonel Falco (Peter Berg), ANX Editor (Kevin Dunn), Arian Finch (Derek Luke), Soldier (Larry Bates), Soldier (Christopher May), Soldier (David Pease), Soldier (Heidi Janson), Sniper (Christopher Carley), Student (George Back), Student (Kristy Wu), and Student (Bo Brown).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. It’s good to read a plotline on this film before going to increase understanding of what it is attempting to do. The relevance seems lost throughout the film.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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