JOSEPH: KING OF DREAMS (Video Release USA 2000)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

Joseph: King of Dreams—
animated version of the Joseph storycovers the basic Biblical Joseph story adequately, but is not the best in its class. It serves as a child’s fill-in-some-spare-time movie. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia 


Joseph is sold into Egypt and the family soon follows.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Directors Rob LaDuca and Robert C. Ramirez for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Penney Finkelman Cox, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Steve Hickner for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Joseph (voice of Ben Affleck), Judah (voice of Mark Hamill), Jacob (Richard Herd), Rachel (voice of Maureen McGovern), Asenath (voice of Jodi Benson), Zuleika (voice of Judith Light), Potiphar (voice of James Eckhouse), Pharoah (voice of Richard McGonagle), Joseph (singing voice of David Campbell), Simeon/Slave Trader (voice of Steven Weber), Auctioneer/Horse Trader (voice of Dan Castellaneta), and Butler (voice of Rene Auberjonois).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. It’s a good review of the life events of the Biblical Joseph, but a better view is Prince of Egypt.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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