THE NEWTON BOYS (South by Southwest Film Festival, Austin Texas USA 1998)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.0|5.0 Starsìììì

The Newton Boys
—based on a true story—can be a little slow, but has enough comedy in it to push it into the ‘good watch’ category.  The film uses the talents of Matthew McConaughey, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, and Skeet Ulrich to tell its story. It doesn’t have the flare that O Brother Where Art Thou (set roughly within the same time period) has, but it’s interesting to see another film that operates within that time frame and gives additional information of years when Charlie Chaplin was at the peak of his career, the Three Stooges were just coming on the screen, and Walt Disney, in about 5-7 years, was about to be the biggest name in children and family cartoons. This film is a little piece of history that is worth catching. Watch for the live interview of one of the Newton boys at the end of the movie.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Willis Newton (Matthew McConaughey) finds robbing banks becomes much easier when one stays up-to-date and one step ahead of current technology.

Additional Thanks

Thank You to Director Richard Linklater for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producer John Sloss for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Joe Newton (Skeet Ulrich), Jess Newton (Ethan Hawke), Ma Newton (Gail Cronauer), Orphan Singer (Jena Karam), Orphan Singer (Casey McAuliffe), Orphan Fiddler (Regina Mae Matthews), Waiter (Lew Temple), Brentwood Glasscock (Dwight Yoakam), Slim (Charles Gunning), Farmer Williams (Glynn Williams), Bank Teller (Charles Bray), Tailor (Robert Iannaccone), Avis Glasscock (Chloe Webb), Crooked Banker (Gary Moody), and Louise Brown (Julianna Margulies).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes.  It sets a piece of American history, in an entertaining way, into a worth watching film.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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