FEEL RICH: HEALTH IS THE NEW WEALTH (Limited Theatrical Release USA 2017)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.6|5.0 Starsìììì

Feel Rich: Health Is The New Wealth
—informative, inspirational, and transformational—doesn’t preach, doesn’t send anyone on a guilt trip; it just tells it the way it is. It tells us again, in a very nice way, the message we’ve all heard before—be athletic, eat right, get slim—but the emphasis is a little different and a whole lot more motivating—get a real life, live long, live well, get wealthy. The interviews are terrific. It’s devastating to see the talent we’ve lost due to poor health, but in the end they still sent love through this documentary by urging us to live better in a very easy to digest format. Kudos to the film. Overall, it’s terrifically done. No judgment. The love shines through.

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


Documentary film talks about wealth in the light of health,  achievable with some effort.

Additional Thanks

Thank You to Director Peter Spirer for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Bruce Barshop, Andrew Busey, Seth Cohen, Quincy Jones III, Quincy Jones, Ben Lamm, Sean Spector, and Shawn Ullman for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Common, Jermaine Dupri, Game, Afya Ibomu, Fat Joe, Quincy Jones, Stic Man, Russell Simmons, Crystal Wall, and Paul Wall.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. It is informative, almost like The Secret in its desire to help people live better.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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