THE TRIP TO ITALY (Theatrical Release Britain 2014)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.5|5.0 Starsììì

The Trip to Italy
runs on the same theme as the rest of the films in this series. It’s a bit slow and includes the same sexual overtones. The inevitable question, at every new scene, becomes: Why am I watching this? Is life so boring that this is all I have to fill my time? On the upside, the voice impersonations that Robert Brydon and Steve Coogan engage in provide their own entertainment value. The film, classified as a comedy, engages in its sport at a very low key—almost ironic—level, completely without effort. It’s managed a type of naturalness not found in American reality shows, which rely on obvious contrivance to fill script time.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia 


Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan travel through Italy and share philosophical views on life.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Michael Winterbottom for his efforts in directing. Thank you to Executive Producer Andrew Eaton for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Steve (Steve Coogan), Rob (Rob Brydon), Lucy (Rosie Fellner), Emma (Claire Keelan), Yolanda (Marta Barrio), Joe (Timothy Leach), Donna (Ronni Ancona), and Sally (Rebecca Johnson).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. It is interesting to follow this almost documentary filming of entertainers' lives while realizing that they are working as this film rolls.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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