INVINCIBLE (Theatrical Release USA 2006)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Starsììì

based on the true story of NFL Philadelphia Eagles Vince Papale—begins well; but, by the time Mark Wahlberg, as character Vince Papale, earns his position as a bona fide NFL player, the audience may be asking what this film is about and who is the main character. Director Ericson Core seems to lose his characters in the mass of things as if the whole film is about several main characters instead of one. This uncorrected script error makes it difficult to follow the story line to the end of the film. The upside is that each actor and actress artfully practices their craft.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Philadelphian Vince Papale (Mark Wahlberg) is 30-years old, plays amateur football with friends, and works two part-time jobs as substitute teacher and bartender. His wife accuses him of being a loser and leaves him. When he reports to his daytime job, the school principal informs him that he no longer has a teaching position. In the evening the television news announces that the Philadelphia Eagles’ new coach has opened tryouts to the public. Vince successfully lands a place for training with the Philadelphia Eagles and the rest of the story follows his work as an NFL player.

Additional Thanks

Really good work for Director Ericson Core. Thank you to Executive Producers Victor H. Constantino, Nicole Reed, and Ezra Swerdlow for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Frank Papale (Kevin Conway), Janet Cantrell (Elizabeth Banks), Max Cantrell (Michael Rispoli), Tommy (Kirk Acevedo), Johnny (Dov Davidoff), Pete (Michael Kelly), Mick (Sal Darigo), TJ Banks (Nicoye Banks), Ronnie Sampson (Turron Kofi Alleyne), Dean German (Cosmo DeMatteo), Denny Franks (Stink Fisher), AC Craney (Michael Mulheren), and Leonard Tose (Michael Nouri).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. The film has its points, but Friday Night Lights or Draft Day will give more sports entertainment value for dollars and time spent.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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