TROY (Theatrical Release USA 2004)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.7|5.0 Stars ììì

Troy, interesting, does a much better job of telling the classic, god-related story than many other films within this genre. The acting is suitable to good and the presentation/portrayal work at the same level. The writing department writes from an angle that greatly enhances previous attempts to portray this story with some very good dialogue lines about who should fight wars between kings. There are unnecessary nudity and sexual scenes in the movie. But, overall, the movie makes some valid points about war and makes way for good, after viewing discussion.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


The movie tracks the events that led to the Grecian attack on Troy over Helen. 

 Additional Thanks

Good Work for Director and Producer Wolfgang Petersen. Additional thanks goes to Producers Diana Rathbun and Colin Wilson for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Triopas (Julian Glover), Boagrias (Nathan Jones), Agamemnon’s Officer (Adoni Maropis), Messenger Boy (Jacob Smith), Nestor (John Shrapnel), and Polydora (Siri Svegler).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. This is a suitable watch and tells a fairly good story. Watch for Actor Peter O’Toole in his later life professional work and the support of Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana, Brian Cox, Brenden Gleeson, Brad Pitt, Sean Bean, and Diane Kruger.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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