TRAIL OF THE PANDA * (Release to Theaters USA 2009)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.7
|5.0 Stars ììì
Trail of the Panda—suitable to okay—works slowly and drags at times through its hour and a half of showtime. However, the story bases itself on a real set of events and even allows the treat at its conclusion about what happens to the boy when he reaches adulthood. The movie shows some outstanding scenery of panda bear environments and gives a view into how this boy began to heal from his parents' death.

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


A guide and a Research Scout try to find a panda cub for the researcher to purchase, but are foiled due to inclement weather. The guide's young adoptee finds a small, injured cub, nurses it to health and in that nurturing finds his own path to recovery.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Zhong Yu for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Christopher J. Brough and Ye Tian for making the film possible. Cast includes Daichi Harashima, Li Feng, Zhong Yu, Chang Liu, Xin Yu Sun, Ke Jian Qi, Qi Zhang, and Matthew Yang King.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. A simple, clean, and suitable afternoon watch that easily serves the whole family not only for entertainment but education. 

* Also known as Touch of the Panda or Xiong mao hui jia lu

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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