OLIVER AND COMPANY (Theatrical Release USA 1988)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

Oliver and Company—
not The Lion King or Aladdin but still recognizably classic Disneyplays like a B-grade film. Better than The Great Mouse Detective, its honest and simple story begins with the last kitten of a litter, Oliver (voiced by Joey Lawrence), sitting alone in a cardboard box. No one in Manhattan Borough chooses Oliver as a pet even though he is free. As a rain storm soaks the box, Oliver is forced to leave the box to find a home. Desperate and hungry, he desires a food vendor’s string of hot dogs. A dog named Dodger (voiced by Billy Joel) gets the hot dogs from the vendor, but fails to share them with Oliver. Oliver follows Dodger to the docks and becomes part of Dodger’s gang. The gang needs money and decides to take a limousine. When the plot fails, Oliver is adopted by the limousine’s passenger, a small and lonely rich girl, Jenny Foxworth (voiced by Natalie Gregory). The story is off and running with a series of comedic errors that lead to the usual Disney solution—happy ending for all the good.

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images

Additional Thanks

Really Good Work for Director George Scribner. Thank you to Walt Disney Pictures/Productions for making this entertainment possible. Additional cast include: Einstein (voice of Richard Mulligan), Rita (voice of Sheryl Lee Ralph), Roscoe (voice of Taurean Blacque), Desoto (voice of Carl Weintraub), Winston (voice of William Glover), and Georgette (voice of Bette Midler).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. A good watch for anyone who wants a satisfactory animated Disney flick.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia 

Ben Meyers

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