THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER (Theatrical Release USA 1982)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.4|5.0 Stars ììì

The Man from Snowy River
—an Australian western—has its own distinctive flavor. Even though it stars America’s Kirk Douglas, there is no mistaking the different texture of this story compared to other westerns Kirk Douglas has played (i.e., The Way West/Man Without A Star). The script, derived from an 1890s Australian poem, seems disorganized and a little weak as if the writer did not have enough material to make a solid story. Even though the film was quite successful at Australian box offices, it performs as something an American would watch on a ‘ho-hum’ afternoon of Bonanza reruns rather than a film one would go to theater to watch. The Ben Meyers’ reaction to this film is: ‘pretty much bored throughout the movie, checking the wrist watch to see when the 102 requisite minutes will be finished’. Redeeming factors for this film are: 1) outstanding scenery 2) a conclusion that nearly matches the unmistakable American Western movie style and literally pulls the rest of the film together.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Young Jim Craig (Tom Burlinson) earns his right to run his deceased father’s Australian station.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director George Miller for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Michael Edgley and Simon Wincer for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Henry Craig (Terence Donovan), Harrison/Spur (Kirk Douglas), Mountain Man (Tommy Dysart), Man in Street (Bruce Kerr), Banjo Paterson (David Bradshaw), Jessica Harrison (Sigrid Thornton), Clancy (Jack Thompson), Kane (Tony Bonner), and Mrs. Bailey (June Jago).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. It introduces the audience to great Australian scenery and has a workable conclusion.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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