ERNEST SAVES CHRISTMAS (Theatrical Release USA 1988)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.5|5.0 Starsììì

Ernest Saves Christmas
—okay—relies on that unique comedic style of Jim Varney that drives all his movies. not first class and not a front row piece of entertainment, an afternoon, easy-on-the-mind entertainment style with a little comedy thrown in here and is a style that is average...but charming, watchable, suitable, clean, and as refreshing as a child's innocent laughter.   

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Santa Claus (Douglas Seale) comes out of an airport complaining about failure to remember what everyone wants for Christmas. Santa retrieves his toy bag from baggage, hails a taxi, and draws Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney) as his taxi driver.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director John R. Cherry III for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Joseph Akerman and Martin Erlichman for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Aster Clement/Auntie Nelda/The Snake Guy (Jim Varney), Joe Carruthers (Oliver Clark), Harmoney (Noelle Parker), Chuck (Gailard Sartain), Mary Morrissey (Billie Bird), Bobby (Bill Byrge), Marty (Robert Lesser), and Immigration Agent (Key Howard).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. This is an average movie that has a creative charm of its own...a sweet holiday watch that works for Jim Varney fans.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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